Yellow tkemali garlic


AED 12.00


Refresh your dishes with bright taste with Yellow Tkemali Garlic! A wonderful combination of oriental spices and aromatic garlic will give your meat and fish dishes a unique taste.

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Yellow Tkemali Garlic is an ideal seasoning and sauce for those who appreciate bright flavors. Use it with meat and fish dishes to create a unique experience for your palate.

Product Features:

  • Ingredients: Tkemali 92%, garlic 2.5%, red hot pepper, salt, sugar, herbs, coriander, dill.
  • Does not contain preservatives, dyes or concentrates - only natural ingredients.

Use Yellow Tkemali Garlic for:

  • Grill seasonings.
  • Sauce for fried or baked fish.
  • Enhance the taste of meat before frying or baking.

Refresh your culinary experiments with this unique sauce and enjoy the rich taste of every dish!